Frequently Asked Questions
Customization & API
Although SecurITree is an amazingly versatile and powerful tool right out of the box, Amenaza realizes that certain customers will have specific needs. These requirements can be addressed in two ways:
- Customers can write their own extensions using SecurITree's Java-based application programming interface (API). The API makes it possible to extend the operations that can be performed from within SecurITree. It also allows the creation of standalone applications that access and manipulate SecurITree data.
- Contract Amenaza Technologies to create the customizations. Gain access to the people who wrote SecurITree. In addition to custom applications using the API, Amenaza can access internal data structures to enhance SecurITree or produce custom applications based on the customer's specifications.
System Requirements
SecurITree runs on the following operating systems:
- Windows 10 and 11
- Ubuntu and Debian Linux (other Linux possible, contact Amenaza for assistance)
- Mac OS X 10.7.3+
For the best results we recommend the following minimum system requirements:
- Intel i5 or AMD equivalent; i7 or i9 recommended for complex models.
- 8 GB RAM minimum, more recommended for models involving large numbers of attack scenarios. N.B., amount of RAM available to SecurITree is dependent on parameters in the SecurITree.ini file. See online Help->Using SecurITree-> Memory Errors or call technical support for assistance.
- A monitor and graphics card that support at least 1280x768 resolution 65535+ colors. Higher resolution is recommended.
How can I verify the integrity of the software I just downloaded from Amenaza?
You can verify the integrity of the SecurITree evaluation software by clicking on the appropriate link:
- If you downloaded the evaluation version of SecurITree, please verify integrity here.
- If you purchased the full version of SecurITree, but did not purchase the IT libraries, please verify integrity here.
- If you purchased the full version of SecurITree, including the IT libraries, please verify integrity here.
Why am I getting Out of Memory messages when Task Manager says lots of memory is available?
A memory error can occur while working on very large attack trees in SecurITree or while performing memory intensive analytic operations. SecurITree is a Java-based application that executes within the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). By default, the JRE limits the amount of a PC's memory available to Java applications. This limit can be easily increased. As a general rule, the limit should be somewhat less than the amount of physical memory in the computer.
To increase the amount of memory available to SecurITree on a Windows PC:
- Locate the file SecurITree.ini located in the directory where SecurITree was installed (typically C:\Program Files\Amenaza\SecurITree).
- Make a backup copy of this file.
- Edit SecurITree.ini
- Find the parameter Virtual Machine Parameters=-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70.0 (these values may be different than shown here).
- Increase the -XX value to a higher percentage of RAM.
- Find the parameter Virtual Machine Parameters=-Xms256 -Xmx1024m (these values may be different than shown here).
- Increase the -Xmx value to the desired value, e.g., -Xmx1536m (for 1536 MB) or -Xmx1G. (for 1 GB).
- Do not exceed the amount of memory available on your computer or SecurITree will not execute.
Prior to Version 5.5:
Please call Amenaza Support for further assistance.